Chile’s current tourism plan for the 2020-2024 years is more a digital transformation for them. Their newest tourism policy is to build on a new project labeled :Transform Tourism (Transforma Turismo). This both a public and private initiative with the several objectives:

Promote the uptake of new technology to increase industry competitiveness,

Encourage continuous improvement of the industry, its institutions and companies,

Incorporate digital know-how from other sectors into the tourism industry,

Ensure Chile is a regional leader in digital transformation in tourism.

For more information on their tourism plan, here is a direct link :

Chile is a beautiful destination in South America that has opened its airport  to tourists this November 23, 2020. The destination has created a plan to travel safely to and from Chile. Chile’s tourism plan was worked on by several organizations. We accessed the ‘’ website to obtain our information. Their website consisted of their step by step plan, rules and regulations. They also mention the government agencies they are constantly developing their COVID-19 plan with. Here are the following organizations that Chile has worked with:

  • Servicio National de Tourismo. (National Tourism Service)
  • Ministerio de Economia Fomento y Turismo. (Ministry of Economy, Promotion and Tourism)
  • Subsecreteria de Tourismo (Co-secretary of Tourism)
  • InvestChile
  • ProChile

They have also been stamped by SERNATUR as a result of their hard work to maintain public health and safety:

  • “Tourist seal of trust” that the National Tourism Service (SERNATUR) 

COVID-19 Strategy:

Here are the requirements for foreigners and non-residents prior to their visit to Chile:

  • Negative PCR test performed 72 hours before travelling. In flights with intermediate stops, this is considered from the last boarding.
  • Fill out the “Traveler’s Sworn Statement” electronically and at most 48 hours before boarding at
  • Health insurance that covers benefits associated with COVID-19 during your stay, with a minimum coverage of USD$30,000

Here are the requirements for foreigners and non-residents once landed in Chile:

  • Individuals who enter the country will undergo “Migration and Health Control”. Migration Control: The Civil Police (PDI) will regulate travel documents regardless of the current pandemic . Health Control: If “Traveler’s Sworn Statement” is not presented or cannot be completed electronically, a mandatory physical format is available. This is part of their regulations under their current Health Alert.

Here are the requirements for both residents and non-residents during their stay in times of the pandemic:

  • Wearing face masks is mandatory in urban areas, public spaces and enclosed areas. 
  • Physical distancing protocols swarm the areas as people are encouraged to follow layouts.
  • Frequent hand washing is a must, along-side the use of hand sanitizers.
  • Disinfecting techniques are to be followed by every establishment in Chile.
  • Night curfew from 12:00 am to 5:00 a.m. in some areas, while other curfews are applied from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am. 

Step by Step Beach Measures (both residents and non-residents):

  • Use of masks at all times, except when in the water or sitting down at a distance of least two meters from others.
  • Beach visitors have to maintain one meter worth of social distance from others in their group (exception to guardians with children who need to be monitored at all times) . Items and belongings within a group must be placed a meter apart as well.
  • Five meters worth of distance between different groups
  • Avoid group sports such as volleyball or soccer and engage in individual activities.
  • Teach children not to pick up items that do not belong to them.
  • Although they encourage visitors to not eat at the beach, they understand that you might need to take some provisions. In that case – limit taking food and items from your household – instead, try to purchase them at an established business that follows the required safety measures.
  • Leave your trash in the designated waste areas, with an emphasis on disposable masks or napkins.
  • Self asses and stay at home if you are feeling any symptoms.

All beaches will assign teams to monitor and control visitors to promote a safe environment. All private and public beach washrooms will have to schedule consistent disinfecting protocols. Finally, any surfaces that are at risk of frequent contact will be sanitized.

COVID-19 Vaccine Update:

Chile has also found itself advancing in the medical aspect during the pandemic. Chile’s top pharmaceutical company known as “Pfizer and BioNTech” announced  that after testing their COVID-19 on more than 43,000 people, the vaccine is 90% effective. Although the vaccine still needs to be tested on a higher number of people, Chile is proud to contribute their vaccine to the world, potentially. Their Health Minister Enrique Paris commented on this advance saying:

This is a positive development because we already have a signed agreement with this company. It is a new vaccine that requires two doses and must be maintained at a much lower temperature than other vaccines. Seven days after the second dose was administered, they are finding that it offers 90% protection. The company estimates that they will be able to supply 50 million doses by the end of this year and 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021,”