A negative impact of tourism is over-tourism. Over tourism has definitely corrupted the beauty of most places.A healthy flow of tourists to a destination is essential; however, a healthy flow of locals is vital as well. Most locals or residents of a busy area would rather partake in their daily lives without the disruption of foreigners. This is completely normal behaviour.

Places like Italy, Madrid and Barcelona have experienced a very high inflow of foreign tourists. This has it benefits, such as generating tourism dollars into the region. This is not always a good thing though. Some regions have been westernized and commercialized. Locals can no longer rely on selling authentic or traditional items, and have to move to simpler and smaller items. Other regions experiences a change or modification in their cuisine to suit the bland taste of foreigners. Many other disruptions take place, for example, overcrowded beaches, chaotic bars and busy shopping places. As a result of unhappy residents, some places have resorted to demonstrations and protests against tourists using their land, amenities and rights.

Although the current pandemic has slowed down the process of over tourism, this issue will definitely rise again when the situation has cleared up. Tourism ministries and campaigns should take this time to reassess their long term tourism plans. Many places have the opportunity of spreading visits seasonally instead of one intense time. They can also market different destinations that have less locals and visitors. This way tourists are spread out in different areas at different times.

Tourism is a fast growing industry with many more changes coming its way. In order to preserve the purity of this industry places that are experiencing over tourism need to hold back and understand that it needs to prioritize its locals and lands first.